Hunter's Soap

I really get a kick out of this soap. Wynn and I smelled the scent of fresh earth with amazement. It really smells like clean soil. I mixed it in our hot process soap. Our thought are that it will make a great gift for a birthday or any holiday for that special hunter in someone's life.
We wanted something that would aid in the camoflage of normal human scent. With some research we found this mix. Truelly it has not been tested by us in preventing that monster buck from smelling us.
Wynn also made labels for our Ole as Dirt Soap which would make a funny birthday gift. I am not sure what it is about giving soap to someone as a gift. Everyone takes a bath I guess and a little fun added to a natural as possible product makes it even better.
I am interested in our Chinese Anise scent which is key for fisherman. Anyways as we were cooking up the soap and I added the earth scent in it was obvious to be a hit. Hopefully it will be as big a success as the gin and tonic and mojito soaps.


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